
昨(10/29)3D Systems (代碼:DDD) 公佈今年第三季財報...我比較關心的營收...相較去年成長了49.94%(如下表)...另外我同樣關心的毛利率也從去年同期的51.8%增加到52.6%。


  2013 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 Up to date 2013 full year Guidance 附注
營收(in millions) Bitmap
120.8 Bitmap
358.6 500-530  
去年同期 77.9 83.6 90.5 252.1    
成長(%) 31.07% 44.50% 49.94% 42.25%    
毛利率 52.30% 51.80% 52.60% 52.29%    
去年同期 49.90% 51.40% 51.80% 51.06%    
稅後淨利 5.9 9.3 23.5 33.0    
去年同期 6.2 8.3 15.5 28.2    
成長(%) -5% 12% 52% 17%    
EPS 0.06 0.10 0.17 0.34 0.93-1.03( non GAAP)  
去年同期 0.08 0.11 0.16 0.35    


其它 的Third Quarter 2013 Revenue Highlights (compared to 2012 quarter):


1、3D printers and other products revenue increased 76% to $59.8 million.

2、Print materials revenue grew 30% to $33.2 million.

3、Services revenue rose 38% to $42.7 million.

4、Healthcare revenue grew 39% and contributed $16.9 million to our total revenue.

5、Consumer solutions contributed $13.5 million to our total revenue.



2013年營收預測則由原先的$485 million-$510 million ...往上修到$500 million-$530 million之間...不過EPS 則由原先預測的$1.05-$1.20....往下修到$0.93-$1.03之間...這跟Channel expansion 和R&D 費用增加有關...這一部份在昨舉行的法說㑹上分析師紛表達關切( 部份Q & A 如下)...我個人覺得3D Systems 的CEO Abe Reichental 的回答算是不錯.


Paul Coster - JPMorgan

You talked about extension or expansion of the market. It didn’t sound like it’s really about share gain. And is this a product-led strategy for expanding or extending the market? Or is there more to it than just the product strategy?


Abe Reichental

There is no question in our mind that it’s both. There’s no question in our mind that we are expanding the market by creating new categories, but there is no question in our mind that we’re gaining share. If you look the the progress that we are making with our entire ProJet series, and when you come again at Euromold and see the groundbreaking advanced manufacturing and professional printers that are going to be on display, and how those printers further enhance our competitive advantages, it should be evident that this is not an either/or. It’s a both/and. It’s a product-led strategy, and it’s a share gain strategy.


Jay Harris - Axiom Capital Management

Abe, as you look at what’s happened this year, and the acceleration of opportunities, are you uncertain as to how long the aggressive expansion phase, market share penetration phase, is going to take? Or can you say with some degree of confidence that within two or four or six quarters we ought to be getting back to the expense ratios and with higher gross margins etc. that we have been witnessing?


Abe Reichental 

Well, we have prefaced the steps that we’re taking as a few periods. So we’re not thinking in terms of much longer than a few periods. And some of that will become more evident when we come out with our 2014 guidance. But we’re really looking at this as initiatives and investments that we’re undertaking over a short term few periods to basically shore up the next level of growth and extension in ways that gain us market share and extend our first mover advantage in key verticals ahead of other competitors entering the market.




1、  Tesla ( 代碼:TSLA) 10/03 收盤價 180.95美元

23D Systems Corp. (代碼:DDD) 10/03 收盤價 55.22美元

3Clean Energy Fuel Corp. ( 代碼:CLNE ) 10/03收盤價 13.79 美元

4Bona Film Group Ltd. (代碼:Bona) 10/03收盤價 5.61美元

5Onganovo Holdings, Inc. (代碼: ONVO) 10/21收盤價 6.22美元







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